The ever-popular cowrie shell has many uses and meanings. It has shown up in money, jewelry, and even religious accessories in almost every part of the world. The cowrie shell soon gained popularity throughout much of ancient Africa. Today excavations have found some of the money in the form of brass and silver cowrie shells. Wherever the cowrie shells were found, it seemed as if they were thought of as wealth.

Spiritually Speaking
Spiritually, according to African legend if you are attracted to cowrie shells you could be family to an ocean spirit of wealth and earth. It also represents Goddess protection. Throughout Africa, and South and North America, the cowrie symbolized the power of destiny and prosperity.
However, you interpret these tiny white shells as they are a fascinating, unique addition to your wardrobe. Whether in jewelry, in crafts, or any other use you can imagine these shells are sure to add an exotic feel of Africa and make an excellent, one-of-a-kind
Many of us have transitioned to natural hair for many reasons.
From avoiding chemicals to just embracing our roots. We have walked away from the stigmas and hair trauma imposed by a society that did not care to understand us. The hair we once hid is now flowing freely...Our beads, locs, and natural trees are now sought after, and embraced by other cultures and with that, the cowry shell has made a resurgence as well. We have always used cowrie shells in many of our products as a symbol of prosperity and wealth for the newlyweds.
However you interpret these tiny white shells they are a fascinating, unique addition to your wardrobe. Whether in jewelry, or in crafts, or in any other use you can imagine these shells are sure to add an exotic feel of Africa and make an excellent, one of a kind, fashion statement.
You decide how or if you want to incorporate them but at least now you're informed. If you have information regarding this topic we welcome sharing...