English: Our Father Who Art In Heaven Swahili: BABA YETU ULIYE MBINGUNI Phonetics: Bah-Bah Yay-too You-lee-yay mm-been-goo-nee
English: Hallowed Be Thy Name Swahili: JINA LAKO LITU KUZWE Phonetics: Gee-Nah La-co Lee-too Kooz-way
English: Thy Kingdom Come Swahili: UFALME WAKO UJE Phonetics: You-Fahl-may Wah-co You-jay
English: Thy Will Be Done Swahili: MAPENZI YAKO YATIMIZWE Phonetics: Mah-pain-zee Yah-co Yah-tee-meez-way
English: On Earth as it is in Heaven Swahili: HAPA DUNIANI KAMAHUKO MBINIGUNI Phonetics: Hap-pah Do-nee-ah-nee Kah-mah-who-co M-been-goo-nee
English: Give Us This Day Swahili: UTUPE LEO RIZIKI YETU Phonetics: Yoo-too-pay Lee-oh Ree-zee-kee Yay-too
English: Our Daily Bread Swahili: UTUSAMEHE DENI ZETU Phonetics: You-too-sah-may-hay Day-nee Zay-too
English: And Forgive Us Our Debts As We Forgive Our Debtors Swahili: KAMA SISI NASI TUWASAMEHEVYO WADENI YETU Phonetics: Kah-mah see-see Nah-see (Too-wah-sah-may-hayv-yoh) wah-day-nee ya-too
English: Lead Us Not Into Temptation Swahili: NA USITUTIE MAJARABUNI Phonetics: Nah you-see-too-tee-a Mah-jah-rah-bu-nee
English: But Deliver Us From Evil Swahili: LAKINI UTUOKOE NA YULE MWOVU Phonetics: Lah-kee-nee You-too-oh-coay Nah-you-lay Mwo-voo
English: For Thine Is The Kingdom Swahili: KWA KUWA UFALME NI WAKO Phonetics: Qwah Cu-wah U-fahl-may Nee Wah-co
English: The Power Swahili: NA NGUVU Phonetics: Nah N-Goo-Voo
English: The Glory Swahili: NA UTUKUFU Phonetics: Nah U-too-koo-foo
English: For Ever and Ever Swahili: HATA MILELE Phonetics: Hah-tah Mee-lay-lay
English: Amen Swahili: AMINA Phonetics: Ah-Mee-Nah